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Sit Investment Associates Inc. (as Filer) ↔ Federated Enhanced Treasury Income Fund


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11  Filings
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  As Of               Filer                 Filing¹   For·On·As Docs:Size             Issuer                      Filing Agent      
Currently in descending order - Sort in ascending orderSort in ascending orderSort in ascending orderSort in descending orderSort in ascending orderSort in ascending order

 9/29/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D/A               1:15K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
 8/27/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D/A               1:15K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
 8/20/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D/A               1:16K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
          Sit Fixed Income Advisors II, LLC³
 7/30/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D/A               1:15K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
          Sit Fixed Income Advisors II, LLC³
 4/16/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D/A               1:15K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
          Sit Fixed Income Advisors II, LLC³
 3/23/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D/A               1:15K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
          Sit Fixed Income Advisors II, LLC³
 3/19/15 Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13D      3/18/15    1:19K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd American Fin’l P… Inc/FA 
          Sit Fixed Income Advisors II, LLC³
 2/12/15  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13G/A               1:10K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd                          
 12/4/14  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13G/A               1:10K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd                          
  9/9/14  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13G/A               1:10K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd                          
 3/10/14  Sit Investment Associates Inc.    SC 13G                 1:10K  Federated Enhanced Treasury I… Fd                          
 ‡  A non-Insider-Ownership Filing that was accepted after the SEC “closed” at 5:30:00pm
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.  The legal “Filed As Of” date may be the next, or another, day.
 ¹  Filing/Form Types: 
Type emoji
  SC 13D    Statement of Acquisition of Beneficial Ownership by an “Active” Investor — Schedule 13D.
  SC 13G    Statement of Acquisition of Beneficial Ownership by a “Passive” Investor — Schedule 13G.
  /A  Amendment to, or Amended version of, a previous Filing of this Type.
 ³  Group Member:  A Registrant or non-Registrant party to this Filing made by a Group.


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