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Bank of America Corp/DE – ‘10-K’ for 12/31/10 – ‘EX-4.EE’

On:  Friday, 2/25/11, at 4:27pm ET   ·   For:  12/31/10   ·   Delayed-Release:  Document/Exhibit  –  Release Delayed   ·   Accession #:  950123-11-18743   ·   File #:  1-06523

Previous ‘10-K’:  ‘10-K’ on 2/26/10 for 12/31/09   ·   Next:  ‘10-K’ on 2/23/12 for 12/31/11   ·   Latest:  ‘10-K’ on 2/20/24 for 12/31/23   ·   11 References:   

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  As Of               Filer                 Filing    For·On·As Docs:Size             Issuer                      Filing Agent

 2/25/11  Bank of America Corp/DE           10-K12/31/10  191:87M                                    Donnelley … Solutions/FA

Annual Report   —   Form 10-K   —   Sect. 13 / 15(d) – SEA’34
Filing Table of Contents

Document/Exhibit                   Description                      Pages   Size 

 1: 10-K        Annual Report                                       HTML   6.65M 
191: COVER     ¶ Comment-Response or Cover Letter to the SEC         HTML     46K  
 2: EX-3.B      Articles of Incorporation/Organization or Bylaws    HTML    125K 
 3: EX-4.EE     Instrument Defining the Rights of Security Holders  HTML     70K 
 4: EX-4.FF     Instrument Defining the Rights of Security Holders  HTML     68K 
 5: EX-4.GG     Instrument Defining the Rights of Security Holders  HTML     63K 
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10: EX-10.EEE   Material Contract                                   HTML     97K 
 8: EX-10.I     Material Contract                                   HTML    252K 
11: EX-10.III   Material Contract                                   HTML     70K 
12: EX-10.JJJ   Material Contract                                   HTML    122K 
13: EX-10.KKK   Material Contract                                   HTML     83K 
14: EX-10.LLL   Material Contract                                   HTML     75K 
16: EX-21       Subsidiaries List                                   HTML    500K 
17: EX-23       Consent of Experts or Counsel                       HTML     49K 
18: EX-24.A     Power of Attorney                                   HTML     56K 
19: EX-24.B     Power of Attorney                                   HTML     49K 
15: EX-12       Statement re: Computation of Ratios                 HTML     58K 
20: EX-31.A     Certification -- §302 - SOA'02                      HTML     50K 
21: EX-31.B     Certification -- §302 - SOA'02                      HTML     50K 
22: EX-32.A     Certification -- §906 - SOA'02                      HTML     46K 
23: EX-32.B     Certification -- §906 - SOA'02                      HTML     46K 
143: XML         IDEA XML File -- Definitions and References          XML    986K  
169: XML         IDEA XML File -- Filing Summary                      XML   1.32M  
160: XML.R1      Document and Entity Information                      XML    236K  
161: XML.R2      Consolidated Statement of Income                     XML    729K  
91: XML.R3      Consolidated Balance Sheet                           XML   1.13M 
107: XML.R4      Consolidated Balance Sheet (Parenthetical)           XML    439K  
140: XML.R5      Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders'   XML   1.57M  
134: XML.R6      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                 XML    734K  
179: XML.R7      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                 XML    331K  
54: XML.R8      Summary of Significant Accounting Principles         XML    173K 
133: XML.R9      Merger and Restructuring Activity                    XML    144K  
47: XML.R10     Trading Account Assets and Liabilities               XML     89K 
46: XML.R11     Derivatives                                          XML    601K 
90: XML.R12     Securities                                           XML    515K 
152: XML.R13     Outstanding Loans and Leases                         XML    521K  
95: XML.R14     Allowance for Credit Losses                          XML    172K 
100: XML.R15     Securitizations and Other Variable Interest          XML    682K  
125: XML.R16     Representations and Warranties Obligations and       XML    172K  
                Corporate Guarantees                                             
188: XML.R17     Goodwill and Intangible Assets                       XML    117K  
78: XML.R18     Deposits                                             XML     95K 
30: XML.R19     Federal Funds Sold, Securities Borrowed or           XML    124K 
                Purchased Under Agreements to Resell and                         
                Short-term Borrowings                                            
105: XML.R20     Long-term Debt                                       XML    389K  
149: XML.R21     Commitments and Contingencies                        XML    257K  
62: XML.R22     Shareholders' Equity                                 XML    181K 
141: XML.R23     Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income               XML    129K  
101: XML.R24     Earnings Per Common Share                            XML    111K  
178: XML.R25     Regulatory Requirements and Restrictions             XML    127K  
155: XML.R26     Employee Benefit Plans                               XML    599K  
111: XML.R27     Stock Based Compensation Plans                       XML    112K  
126: XML.R28     Income Taxes                                         XML    222K  
45: XML.R29     Fair Value Measurements                              XML    833K 
50: XML.R30     Fair Value Option                                    XML    185K 
66: XML.R31     Fair Value of Financial Instruments                  XML     90K 
85: XML.R32     Mortgage Servicing Rights                            XML    119K 
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154: XML.R34     Parent Company Information                           XML    177K  
37: XML.R35     Performance By Geographic Area                       XML    122K 
55: XML.R36     Summary of Significant Accounting Principles         XML    100K 
164: XML.R37     Merger and Restructuring Activity (Tables)           XML    155K  
176: XML.R38     Trading Account Assets and Liabilities (Tables)      XML     87K  
113: XML.R39     Derivatives (Tables)                                 XML    606K  
185: XML.R40     Securities (Tables)                                  XML    544K  
56: XML.R41     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Tables)                XML    559K 
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70: XML.R43     Securitizations and Other Variable Interest          XML    690K 
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148: XML.R46     Deposits (Tables)                                    XML     99K  
174: XML.R47     Federal Funds Sold, Securities Borrowed or           XML    121K  
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73: XML.R49     Commitments and Contingencies (Tables)               XML    125K 
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43: XML.R51     Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Tables)      XML    126K 
129: XML.R52     Earnings Per Common Share (Tables)                   XML    106K  
76: XML.R53     Regulatory Requirements and Restrictions (Tables)    XML    112K 
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172: XML.R55     Stock-Based Compensation Plans (Tables)              XML    109K  
166: XML.R56     Income Taxes (Tables)                                XML    246K  
89: XML.R57     Fair Value Measurements (Tables)                     XML    837K 
60: XML.R58     Fair Value Option (Tables)                           XML    145K 
157: XML.R59     Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Tables)         XML     85K  
49: XML.R60     Mortage Servicing Rights (Tables)                    XML    129K 
135: XML.R61     Business Segment Information (Tables)                XML    394K  
130: XML.R62     Parent Company Information (Tables)                  XML    189K  
165: XML.R63     Performance by Geographical Area (Tables)            XML    121K  
159: XML.R64     Summary of Significant Accounting Principles         XML    958K  
181: XML.R65     Merger and Restructuring Activity (Details)          XML    215K  
58: XML.R66     Merger and Restructuring Activity (Details 1)        XML    504K 
88: XML.R67     Merger and Restructuring Activity (Details 2)        XML    132K 
119: XML.R68     Merger and Restructuring Activity (Details 3)        XML    318K  
103: XML.R69     Merger and Restructuring Activity (Details           XML    446K  
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71: XML.R73     Derivatives (Details 2)                              XML    517K 
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128: XML.R76     Securities (Details 1)                               XML   4.67M  
110: XML.R77     Securities (Details 2)                               XML    478K  
99: XML.R78     Securities (Details 3)                               XML    120K 
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87: XML.R82     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 1)             XML    410K 
109: XML.R83     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 2)             XML   2.61M  
145: XML.R84     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 3)             XML    554K  
139: XML.R85     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 4)             XML    230K  
80: XML.R86     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 5)             XML    858K 
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136: XML.R88     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 7)             XML    218K  
64: XML.R89     Outstanding Loans and Leases (Details 8)             XML    130K 
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77: XML.R92     Allowance for Credit Losses (Details 2)              XML   1.32M 
156: XML.R93     Allowance for Credit Losses (Details Textuals)       XML    260K  
83: XML.R94     Securitizations and Other Variable Interest          XML   1.20M 
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                Entities (Details 2)                                             
118: XML.R96     Securitizations and Other Variable Interest          XML   3.95M  
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36: XML.R97     Securitizations and Other Variable Interest          XML   1.44M 
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81: XML.R98     Securitizations and Other Variable Interest          XML   1.27M 
                Entities (Details Textuals)                                      
150: XML.R99     Representations and Warranties Obligations and       XML    540K  
                Corporate Guarantees (Details)                                   
51: XML.R100    Representations and Warranties Obligations and       XML    480K 
                Corporate Guarantees (Details 1)                                 
112: XML.R101    Representations and Warranties Obligations and       XML    360K  
                Corporate Guarantees (Details Textuals)                          
127: XML.R102    Goodwill and Intangible Assets (Details 1)           XML    544K  
163: XML.R103    Goodwill and Intangible Assets (Details 2)           XML    345K  
190: XML.R104    Goodwill and Intangible Assets (Details Textuals)    XML    482K  
74: XML.R105    Deposits (Details)                                   XML    475K 
38: XML.R106    Federal Funds Sold, Securities Borrowed or           XML    793K 
                Purchased Under Agreements to Resell and                         
                Short-term Borrowings (Details)                                  
79: XML.R107    Long-term Debt (Details)                             XML   2.11M 
86: XML.R108    Long-term Debt (Details 1)                           XML    732K 
48: XML.R109    Long-term Debt (Details 2)                           XML   7.81M 
171: XML.R110    Long-Term Debt (Details Textuals)                    XML    635K  
168: XML.R111    Commitments and Contingencies (Details)              XML   9.96M  
42: XML.R112    Shareholder's Equity (Details)                       XML   3.04M 
92: XML.R113    Shareholders Equity (Details Textuals)               XML   1.21M 
108: XML.R114    Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Details)     XML    756K  
142: XML.R115    Earnings Per Common Share (Details 1)                XML    179K  
44: XML.R116    Earnings Per Common Share (Details 2)                XML    166K 
180: XML.R117    Earnings Per Common Share (Details Textual)          XML    242K  
120: XML.R118    Regulatory Requirements and Restrictions (Details)   XML    472K  
104: XML.R119    Regulatory Requirements and Restrictions (Details    XML    493K  
41: XML.R120    Employee Benefit Plans (Details)                     XML    651K 
147: XML.R121    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 1)                   XML   1.15M  
131: XML.R122    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 2)                   XML   1.19M  
82: XML.R123    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 3)                   XML    860K 
72: XML.R124    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 4)                   XML    408K 
96: XML.R125    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 5)                   XML    495K 
183: XML.R126    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 6)                   XML    370K  
114: XML.R127    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 7)                   XML   1.94M  
116: XML.R128    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 8)                   XML    803K  
158: XML.R129    Employee Benefit Plans (Details 9)                   XML    373K  
132: XML.R130    Employee Benefit Plans (Details Textuals)            XML   1.31M  
32: XML.R131    Stock-Based Compensation Plans (Details)             XML    560K 
162: XML.R132    Stock-Based Compensation Plans (Details 1)           XML    812K  
68: XML.R133    Income Taxes (Details)                               XML   2.87M 
94: XML.R134    Fair Value Measurements (Details 1)                  XML   8.81M 
121: XML.R135    Fair Value Measurements (Details 2)                  XML   2.45M  
106: XML.R136    Fair Value Measurements (Details 3)                  XML    740K  
182: XML.R137    Fair Value Measurements (Details 4)                  XML   1.92M  
69: XML.R138    Fair Value Measurements (Details 5)                  XML    774K 
52: XML.R139    Fair Value Measurements (Details 6)                  XML    249K 
189: XML.R140    Fair Value Measurements (Details Textuals)           XML    541K  
175: XML.R141    Fair Value Option (Details)                          XML   1.52M  
93: XML.R142    Fair Value Option (Details 1)                        XML    520K 
31: XML.R143    Fair Value Option (Details Textuals)                 XML     87K 
167: XML.R144    Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Details)        XML    210K  
177: XML.R145    Mortage Servicing Rights (Details)                   XML    223K  
39: XML.R146    Mortgage Servicing Rights (Details 1)                XML    163K 
75: XML.R147    Mortgage Servicing Rights (Details 2)                XML    309K 
102: XML.R148    Mortgage Servicing Rights (Details Textuals)         XML     78K  
184: XML.R149    Business Segment Information (Details)               XML   1.40M  
63: XML.R150    Business Segment Information (Details 1)             XML   1.76M 
84: XML.R151    Business Segment Information (Details 2)             XML    626K 
137: XML.R152    Business Segment Information (Details 3)             XML    331K  
40: XML.R153    Parent Company Information (Details)                 XML    428K 
34: XML.R154    Parent Company Information (Details 1)               XML    551K 
146: XML.R155    Parent Company Information (Details 2)               XML    573K  
61: XML.R156    Performance by Geographical Area (Details)           XML    629K 
173: XML.R157    Performance by Geographical Area (Details            XML    244K  
170: EXCEL       IDEA Workbook of Financial Reports (.xls)            XLS  11.72M  
24: EX-101.INS  XBRL Instance -- bac-20101231                        XML  17.41M 
26: EX-101.CAL  XBRL Calculations -- bac-20101231_cal                XML    381K 
29: EX-101.DEF  XBRL Definitions -- bac-20101231_def                 XML   3.49M 
27: EX-101.LAB  XBRL Labels -- bac-20101231_lab                      XML   5.83M 
28: EX-101.PRE  XBRL Presentations -- bac-20101231_pre               XML   4.32M 
25: EX-101.SCH  XBRL Schema -- bac-20101231                          XSD   1.11M 
153: ZIP         XBRL Zipped Folder -- 0000950123-11-018743-xbrl      Zip   1.02M  

‘EX-4.EE’   —   Instrument Defining the Rights of Security Holders

This Exhibit is an HTML Document rendered as filed.  [ Alternative Formats ]


Exhibit 4(ee)

Dated as of February 23, 2011
Supplementing the Indenture, dated as of January 1, 1995, between
Bank of America Corporation (successor to NationsBank Corporation) and
The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (successor trustee to The Bank of New York), as
Trustee, as supplemented by a
First Supplemental Indenture dated as of September 18, 1998,
Second Supplemental Indenture dated as of May 7, 2001,
Third Supplemental Indenture dated as of July 28, 2004,
Fourth Supplemental Indenture dated as of April 28, 2006
Fifth Supplemental Indenture dated as of December 1, 2008



     THIS SIXTH SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE, dated as of February 23, 2011 (the “Sixth Supplemental Indenture), is made by and between BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation (the “Company”), and THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., a national banking association (the “Trustee”), under the Indenture referred to herein.
     WHEREAS, the Company and the Trustee previously executed and delivered an Indenture, dated as of January 1, 1995 and supplemented that Indenture by a First Supplemental Indenture dated as of September 18, 1998, a Second Supplemental Indenture dated as of May 7, 2001, a Third Supplemental Indenture dated as of July 28, 2004, a Fourth Supplemental Indenture dated as of April 28, 2006 and a Fifth Supplemental Indenture dated as of December 1, 2008 (collectively, the Indenture);
     WHEREAS, pursuant to the Indenture, the Company has issued and the Trustee has authenticated and delivered one or more series of the Company’s senior debt securities (the “Securities”) and anticipates additional issues in the future;
     WHEREAS, the Company has determined that it is advisable and in the interests of the Company and the holders of its senior unsecured debt to be issued under the Indenture that the Indenture be amended and supplemented to permit and authorize additional officers of the Company to execute and deliver notes evidencing the debt issued under the Indenture;
     WHEREAS, Section 10.01(e) of the Indenture provides that when authorized by a Board Resolution (as defined in Section 1.01 of the Indenture), the Company and the Trustee may amend the Indenture without consent of the holders of the Securities in order to modify or add to any of the provisions of the Indenture for any Securities that are not Outstanding at the time of such change;
     WHEREAS, Section 10.01(f) of the Indenture provides that when authorized by a Board Resolution, the Company and the Trustee may amend the Indenture without consent of the holders of the Securities in order to cure any ambiguity or to correct or supplement any provision contained in the Indenture which may be defective or inconsistent with any other provisions contained in the Indenture or to make such other provisions in regard to matters or questions arising under the Indenture, provided such other provisions shall not adversely affect in any material respect the interests of holders of the Securities, including provisions necessary or desirable to provide for or facilitate the administration of the trusts under the Indenture;
     WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 7.07, Section 10.03 and Section 15.05 of the Indenture, the Trustee is fully protected in relying on an Officers’ Certificate and an Opinion of Counsel as conclusive evidence that this Sixth Supplemental Indenture complies with the provisions of Article Ten of the Indenture and that all conditions precedent provided for in the Indenture relating to the execution and delivery of this Sixth



Supplemental Indenture have been complied with, and based upon that reliance, the Trustee has agreed to enter into this Sixth Supplemental Indenture; and
     WHEREAS, this Sixth Supplemental Indenture has been duly authorized by a Board Resolution and all other all necessary corporate action on the part of the Company.
     NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and the Trustee agree as follows for the equal and ratable benefit of the holders of the Securities:
     SECTION 1.1 Definitions.
     (a) Definitions in Section 1.01 of the Indenture for the terms set forth below shall be amended as described herein.
  (i)   The present definition of “Business Day” is hereby amended by inserting the words “to be closed” at the end thereof.
  (ii)   The present definition of “Company Request, Company Order and Company Consent”, as the same was amended and restated pursuant to the First Supplemental Indenture, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
     “The terms “Company Request”, “Company Order” and “Company Consent” mean, respectively, a written request, order or consent signed in the name of the Company by any two Authorized Officers and delivered to the Trustee.”
  (iii)   The present definition of “Officers’ Certificate”, as the same was amended and restated pursuant to the First Supplemental Indenture, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
     “The term “Officer’s Certificate” means a certificate signed by any Authorized Officer and delivered to the Trustee.”
     Any reference in the Indenture to “Officers’ Certificate” shall be replaced by “Officer’s Certificate”.
  (iv)   The present definition of “Person” is hereby amended by adding the words “limited liability company,” after “corporation” and before “partnership”.



     (b) The following definition of “Authorized Officer” shall be added to Section 1.01 of the Indenture after the definition of “Authorized Newspaper” and before the definition of “Bearer Security”:
     “Authorized Officer:
     The term “Authorized Officer” means any of the following officers of the Company: the Chief Executive Officer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President, the Chief Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Secretary and any other officer or officers of the Company designated in writing by or pursuant to the authority of the Company’s Board of Directors as an Authorized Officer.”
     SECTION 1.2 Execution of Securities. Section 2.06 of the Indenture hereby is amended by deleting the first sentence of present Section 2.06 and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
     “The Securities shall be signed on behalf of the Company by one of its Authorized Officers under its corporate seal and attested by the Company’s Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries.”
     SECTION 1.3 Notice of Redemption. Section 3.02 of the Indenture, as amended pursuant to the Fourth Supplemental Indenture, hereby is further amended by deleting clause (b) of the third sentence of Section 3.02 and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
     “(b) as determined by an Authorized Officer and evidenced by the preparation of an offering document or an Officer’s Certificate specifying the period of notice of such redemption.”
     SECTION 1.4 Compliance Certificate. Section 4.04 of the Indenture hereby is amended by deleting the portion of the first paragraph of Section 4.04 up to the colon before clause (a) and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
     The Company will deliver to the Trustee, within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year of the Company, commencing with the fiscal year ending in the year during which the first series of Securities is issued hereunder (but in no event more than one year from the issuance of the first series hereunder), a written statement signed by the Treasurer of the Company or any Senior Vice President, Managing Director, Director or other appropriate officer, each of the Company’s Corporate Treasury division, and by the principal executive officer, principal financial officer or principal accounting officer of the Company, stating, as to each signer thereof, that”



     SECTION 2.1 Indenture Remains in Full Force and Effect. Except as supplemented hereby, all provisions in the Indenture shall remain in full force and effect.
     SECTION 2.2 Indenture and Supplemental Indentures Construed Together. This Sixth Supplemental Indenture is an indenture supplemental to and in implementation of the Indenture, and the Indenture and this Sixth Supplemental Indenture shall henceforth be read and construed together.
     SECTION 2.3 Confirmation and Preservation of Indenture. The Indenture as supplemented by this Sixth Supplemental Indenture is in all respects confirmed and preserved.
     SECTION 2.4 Conflict with Trust Indenture Act. If any provision of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture limits, qualifies or conflicts with any provision of the Trust Indenture Act (“TIA”) that is required under the TIA to be part of and govern any provision of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture, the provision of the TIA shall control. If any provision of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture modifies or excludes any provision of the TIA that may be so modified or excluded, the provision of the TIA shall be deemed to apply to the Indenture as so modified or to be excluded by this Sixth Supplemental Indenture, as the case may be.
     SECTION 2.5 Severability. In case any provision in this Sixth Supplemental Indenture shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
     SECTION 2.6 Terms Defined in the Indenture. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Indenture.
     SECTION 2.7 Headings. The Article and Section headings of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture have been inserted for convenience of reference only, are not to be considered part of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture and shall in no way modify or restrict any of the terms or provisions hereof.
     SECTION 2.8 Benefits of Sixth Supplemental Indenture, etc. Nothing in this Sixth Supplemental Indenture or the Securities, express or implied, shall give to any Person, other than the parties hereto and thereto and their successors hereunder and thereunder and the holders of the Securities, any benefit of any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under the Indenture, this Sixth Supplemental Indenture or the Securities.
     SECTION 2.9 Certain Duties and Responsibilities of the Trustee.
     (a) In entering into this Sixth Supplemental Indenture, the Trustee shall be entitled to the benefit of every provision of the Indenture relating to the conduct or



affecting the liability or affording protection to the Trustee, whether or not elsewhere herein so provided.
     (b) The recitals contained herein shall be taken as the statements of the Company, and the Trustee assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the same. The Trustee makes no representations as to the validity or sufficiency of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture.
     SECTION 2.10 Counterparts. The parties may sign any number of copies of this Sixth Supplemental Indenture. Each signed copy shall be an original, but all of them together represent the same agreement.
     SECTION 2.11 Governing Law. This Sixth Supplemental Indenture shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York but without giving effect to applicable principles of conflicts of law to the extent that the application of the laws of another jurisdiction would be required thereby.
     SECTION 2.12 Effective Date. This Sixth Supplemental Indenture shall be effective on the date first set forth above.
[Signature Page Follows]



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Sixth Supplemental Indenture to be duly executed effective as of the date set forth above.
  By:   /S/ ANGELA C. JONES  
    Name:   Angela C. Jones  
    Title:   Senior Vice President  

as Trustee
  By:   /S/ TINA D. GONZALEZ  
    Name:   Tina D. Gonzalez  
    Title:   Vice President  


Dates Referenced Herein   and   Documents Incorporated by Reference

This ‘10-K’ Filing    Date    Other Filings
Filed on:2/25/11FWP
2/23/114,  SC 13D/A,  SC 13G/A,  UPLOAD
For Period end:12/31/1011-K,  13F-HR,  13F-HR/A,  4,  5
12/1/08424B5,  8-K
4/28/064,  4/A
7/28/044,  424B3,  424B5,  8-A12B
 List all Filings 

11 Subsequent Filings that Reference this Filing

  As Of               Filer                 Filing    For·On·As Docs:Size             Issuer                      Filing Agent

 2/20/24  Bank of America Corp./DE          10-K       12/31/23  200:61M
 2/22/23  Bank of America Corp./DE          10-K       12/31/22  200:66M
11/10/22  Bank of America Corp./DE          SC TO-I                7:1.3M Bank of America Corp./DE          Donnelley … Solutions/FA
 2/22/22  Bank of America Corp./DE          10-K       12/31/21  201:72M
 8/02/21  Bank of America Corp./DE          S-3/A                 12:4.2M                                   Donnelley … Solutions/FA
 6/25/21  Bank of America Corp./DE          S-3                   10:2.9M                                   Donnelley … Solutions/FA
 2/24/21  Bank of America Corp./DE          10-K       12/31/20  199:66M
 1/30/12  SEC                               UPLOAD10/03/17    1:45K  Bank of America Corp./DE
12/02/11  SEC                               UPLOAD10/03/17    1:52K  Bank of America Corp./DE
 8/03/11  SEC                               UPLOAD10/03/17    1:69K  Bank of America Corp./DE
 6/06/11  SEC                               UPLOAD10/03/17    1:189K Bank of America Corp./DE
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